I know you're all as devastated as I am about what happened last week in Newton, Connecticut. Many of you may know only pieces of information about it and that's between you and your parents, so I'm not going to go into detail here. Instead I'm going to focus on what we as HPA members do best: not on the negative, but on what we can DO about it. Here's one very simple, loving thing we can do for the students of Sandy Hook Elementary: make snowflakes.
That's right. The kids of Sandy Hook are just like many of you - in school, looking forward to winter break, looking forward to playing in the snow with their friends and celebrating the holidays with their loved ones. Only some of their friends, brothers and sisters, cousins and teachers are now gone forever. And when they come back from break, there's going to be a lot of empty seats to drive that point home. It's going to be hard for them, no question. But they aren't going to return from break to the same school where the tragedy of last Friday happened - their community has decided to have them go to school in a different building, and they're going to decorate that building with as many beautiful glittering snowflakes as they can. Imagine coming back to school after break to find your new building filled wall to wall with thousands of snowflakes made by sympathetic friends all over the country! It's a small thing, but a powerful - *magical* - message of love to those kids and teachers. And what are we all about, if not making the world "a safer, more magical place"?
So get your scissors ready friends, we're going to make as many snowflakes as we can! Between now and December 30, please make snowflakes! Make 'em any way you want - we all know no two snowflakes are alike, so the more unique the better! And since we Hippogriffs love the planet, please feel free to recycle old holiday cards and wrapping paper for this, or newspaper, or bits of craft paper, or whatever you want! Ask friends and family to give you supplies, or make snowflakes with you! Even our youngest friends can help - use paper coffee filters and glitter glue, or rip paper by hand, whatever!
Then bring them all with you to church on Sunday, December 30th, when we're going to make even MORE snowflakes with the Justice Sunday class. Please spread the word - we're going to make it SNOW in Connecticut!!
If you can't join us or get your snowflakes to us by the 30th, feel free to mail them yourself by January 12 to:
Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 06514
More info about this and where you can also donate money to help the Sandy Hook school is here: http://www.ctpta.org/SANDY-HOOK-FUND.html
......And in case I haven't mentioned it lately, I'd like to just say this: thanks for being such awesome, magical kids yourself!
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