Wednesday, July 25, 2012

and another Slytherin Owl: the Scioto Mile Fountain

Speaking of fun water-related things to do in is the August schedule for events at the Scioto Mile fountain downtown: By the way I was curious about the environmental impact of the Scioto Mile and especially the fountain - I had trouble finding much on the internet about this other than the claim that it is part of the city-wide green initiative, which is great but what does that mean specifically? Where does the water in the fountains come from for example, and how does that affect species in the river?

There's a little bit here: - including that the fountain holds 110,000 gallons of water in an underground reservoir. That's a lot of water!

And I found this here: which says: "In addition to adding two acres of green space to downtown, the new riverfront between Town and Main Street will function as a natural stream bank, with native plants and bio-retention areas. In turn, the plants and bio-retention areas will contribute to the health of the Scioto River by doing what plants do: filtering toxins and naturally releasing water into the river. Solar panels on the roof of the Bicentennial Park Café are another green addition to the project. They help power the fountains and restaurant. Finally, Town Street, a green gateway to the Scioto Mile, has also been transformed with urban bio-retention areas to filter water before it reaches the Scioto River."

I believe the lights along the riverfront are also all LED lights which use less energy than regular ones.

Anyone know more about all this? Anyone want to contact Columbus Parks and Rec to find out and tell us at our next meeting? Please volunteer!

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